I disagree with that article because after some thinking, analyzing conversations I had with Muslims and people from Middle Eastern countries I came to realize the same thing you have, that western leftists and Muslims have far more in common than most people might think.
Muslims tend to be pro big government and pro welfare state like a Stalinist dystopia with heavy surveillance and censorship as can see with all the SJWs, as you need big government to enforce Sharia and all the censorship. As in a conversation I had with an Iranian professor, he has a great disdain for the Texan attitude of independence. "we as a country and be big and great. do you want to be great with us, or do you want to do all the hard work, pay the all the permits and tariffs yourself"
In a different conversation with a Muslim on social media, I said,"An Egyptian billionaire wanted to buy an island for the refugees. There are a lot of untamed land in America. Maybe we should give these refugees these land so they can form their own government, infrastructure and society". He strongly disagreed in saying along the lines of, "we have a moral imperative to take care of these refugees, the state has to take care of them"
Despite our disdain for American culture, this country does have a sense of individual freedom, which in why alternative cultures like the Hasidic Jews, Mennonites, and the Amish can take place even the mainstream culture becomes decadent. If the west becomes Islamic, the result will be the same as being taken over by radical leftists. They will demand the population to conform or you will suffer the consequences.