ChatGPT for dating women

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ChatGPT for dating women

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Re: ChatGPT for dating women

The usefulness depends. Are you dating just to get some or are you dating for the long run (wife)?
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Re: ChatGPT for dating women

In reply to this post by OmegaKV
This reads like a sarcasm.

It wouldn't work because:

- there is a non-verbal component of communication that is unsubstitutable, meaning no matter how good the AI-generated lines are, they always come in effect together with how you communicate them; the impact the words have depends on so many other factors that are mostly "set in stone" or not easily modifiable
- the AI doesn't recognize the context of the communication and generates universal lines, which is - in the dating context - often contradictory to what you want to achieve; it cannot make situation-related witty comments that have connotations only you and the other one can understand; content-heavy lines and encyclopedic knowledge instantly repel women, unless they are heavily attracted to you in the first place
- you're required to communicate in a fast and pertinent way when you date a woman, the processing delay between the input and your presentation would make you look even more off/weird than you actually are
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Re: ChatGPT for dating women

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Re: ChatGPT for dating women

The only way to substantially change your behavior is to change your personality, which, as far as I know, can only be achieved by having a condition or using drugs damaging your brain. The reverse is true as well - eliminating a condition or substances affecting your brain may change how you act to a degree. It might be the incels either have a disordered brain or a brain that works well but is incompatible with the brains of other people (women in particular). Either way, doing things addressing these issues could potentially have a greater impact on behavior than focusing on isolated things such as trying to look "confident" or making the right movements, because these will follow naturally, if the conditions are right.

I still don't know the extent to which one's looks disqualify someone in relation to how well he is capable of communicating (acting) but since ChatGPT can only offer a "content" lacking everything else, an incel targeting modern women would have a greater success getting drunk and/or high, because this will trigger a primitive aggressive behavior, which these women seem to crave.