Conversation with a Muslim and a White Nationalist

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Conversation with a Muslim and a White Nationalist

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Re: Conversation with a Muslim and a White Nationalist

The Opposition
The Muslim is absolutely right. The world is becoming more open in general and that's a good thing. There should be no favour for any race, anywhere.

The white guy tries to argue for an hour that the rules are somehow different just because whites are dying out, and he falls flat on his face arguing nonsense. Replacement happens because of free competition which should be encouraged. There are no "people at the top" trying to persecute whites. All countries are trying to get the best and most skilled people they can, and unfortunately that's not white people.

Whoever can't compete is going to die out. Whites are the only ones crying for protectionism and "places just for my kind" because they understand that they will be outcompeted on the free market. They understand that unskilled immigrants can do their jobs better.

If you feel you can outcompete Arabs in Arab countries, go. Go and take their jobs, because whoever is the better competitor will get it. If your people are better competitors overall you can go to any country and "replace" them, but this is not some top-down conspiracy; it's the result of the free market and free competition.

White people are worthless. I would say they were cattle, but cattle have a use.