I watched this documentary on Sabbath and have been thinking about it since. When I was young I was introduced to architecture and design by my father. We would always look through architectural magazines and discuss each photo. At that time I bought into the idea of minimalism and there being perfect design out there for everything. I really wanted to reduce the world to something controlled and ordered. Later on I found out about people like Le Corbusier and his radiant city. About eight or so years ago though I started reevaluating my thinking though. What I noticed is that minimalism loses something that's hard to articulate. I notice for example that I prefer pre-world war homes and things that have an aged look. I now embrace chaos over order. So overall I don't gravitate towards universalisms any more.
However at the same time that I've matured out of modernism I'm also contradicted by human beauty. Human beauty is something where most people agree on what is beautiful. In fact this is one of the great stresses of society, because since everyone agrees on what is beautiful there is not enough for everyone. I guess I'm perplexed as to why there is universal agreement on human beauty but not on architecture.