Do you pray with a mask on?

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Do you pray with a mask on?

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Re: Do you pray with a mask on?

Why mask is a symbol of submission to Satan?
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Re: Do you pray with a mask on?

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Re: Do you pray with a mask on?

fschmidt wrote
The masks are unhealthy.  So they symbolize bad over good.
Masks are not new invention. Like almost everything in this world, unbalanced, unwise and excessive usage of them might maybe be unhealthy. But to say plainly it's "unhealthy" is too much given the mixed evidence we have.

fschmidt wrote
The masks cover your mouth symbolizing the death of free speech.
Why do we have to create "symbols" and then effectively worship them? Why a mask symbolizing the death of free speech?

fschmidt wrote
The masks are required by the satanic globalist scum, so they symbolize submission to the agents of Satan.
Well, just because something is being mandated by bad people not necessarily means it is bad. (While the very action of forcing is another issue). We are required to be clothed when in public, should that mean we should leave our houses naked?
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Re: Do you pray with a mask on?

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Re: Do you pray with a mask on?

It might be exaggerated, but covid is not a lie. Excess death is here, and it is too difficult to attribute this to the lock-down or other measures taken.

My point is simple: I believe the individual should first look at things at their face value, regardless of their source. Judge as freely as possible. Only then to appreciate the context.

I am not against symbolism per se, I only say we should not make every law as a "symbol of the Satan".
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Re: Do you pray with a mask on?

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Re: Do you pray with a mask on?

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Here a recent extensive study (open access data)

Excess death is statistically significant in many countries. That's albeit the measures that were taken. Did you look for evidence of excess death? if so, when? The data and analysis lags.

I read of instances of families that lost more than 3 members due to Covid; I should yet to check what are the statics of this happen in flu. Covid is different from flu, it spreads faster and might cause different symptoms (though indeed many symptoms are similar). However there is very high variability in the symptoms of one who contracts the virus; many people are asymptomatic, others suffer much. This characteristics, I think, causes opposing attitudes from people who judge based on their relatives experiences. I also view this as failure for science that after one year can't say who will suffer from the virus.

Having said that, It should be clarified that the question of what measure, if any, should be taken (not necessary by the gov, but even by the individual himself) is a different and complex question.

And here, if based of his genuine understanding and based on the blurred/conflicting data he was reading, one thinks that mask should be worn in prayer in public in order to keep the community safer according to his opinion, I find no problem with that.  
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Re: Do you pray with a mask on?

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Re: Do you pray with a mask on?

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fschmidt wrote
This is where the Old Testament differs from Christianity and Islam.  The Old Testament requires sound judgement.  If you do evil because you think it is good, you are not forgiven.  Any religion that accepts the masks is accepting Satanic world rule.
99.99% of actions people are doing they think they are doing good. No doubt Hitler also thought he was doing good. Also the person who wears mask and the person who doesn't, they both think they are doing good.


and about the study, the randomness is why we have stats in the first place. this is the stdev. and t-value. they point out the phenomena is statistically significant.
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Re: Do you pray with a mask on?

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Re: Do you pray with a mask on?

They do provide link to their raw data (weekly death since 2015 by country).

They don't have the 'rate' as they overlook the population. they just look at the 5 year trend of absolute death numbers. Sweden for example had about 10% more death than expected, it is not just randomness. death might vary 5% a year maybe - 10% is just to much. See in 10 year period what was the fluctuations in Sweden. Also it happened in other countries as well; moreover, as they show the excess death numbers more or less fit the reports. If you look at the data by the month level, the effect seems even stronger.

One might argue and say that "extra 10% is not a big deal". But that's another statement.