Good Software is Useless If It Runs Over Backdoored Hardware

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Good Software is Useless If It Runs Over Backdoored Hardware

All US designed computers have hardware backdoors accessible over radio to the US military and their partners (Israel first among them). Moving to a good community that writes good software doesn't mean you will be a free man as long as you are within range of their radios.

Expect blackmail, extortion and denial of service - because the US military (and Israel) has turned full terrorist long ago.
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Re: Good Software is Useless If It Runs Over Backdoored Hardware

Privacy does not exist anymore - that ship has sunk long ago. Read again where I said: “denial of service”. They can make the CPU you think is yours sabotage the good software at the chip level. If you buy another computer, they just do it again until you realize it is easier to submit. Whenever you hear of attacks to radio towers, you will know why - somebody has chosen to fight back, for real.