Growing Biblic Judaism

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Growing Biblic Judaism

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Re: Growing Biblic Judaism

I like it. And I think it might work. The idea of sabbath is just fundamentally good. Everybody can understand it. We just ritualized it, and that will change the world. This again, makes me think the name of Biblical Judism should be somewhat changed to some sabath related. Name is important.
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Re: Growing Biblic Judaism

Hax Templar
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In reply to this post by fschmidt
I'm more of an Old Testament-oriented Christian than a "Biblical Jew" and hopefully that won't be a problem if I'm to post on here! I actually thought that "Biblic Judaism" was a reference to that when I signed up.  IMHO, much of the Old Testament can contextualize the NT if you want it to.  My humble suggestion is to take that approach.  You could still call it Biblical Judaism even.  I'm not aware of anything in the NT which requires Christians to call themselves Christians, I always viewed the term as being a bit of an accident, kind of like cross worship.  Even the Catholic church calls themselves Catholics and not really Christians.  As far as I know, Christianity only strictly eliminates animal sacrifice from the OT and the rest is viewed as optional.  This isn't stopping you from saying that certain things are not optional which is what makes Christianity so flexible as a religion.

Also, point #3 was totally hilarious!

Regarding the enlightened person as an "alpha" vs. "high level beta", I agree with your observations.  I wonder though if the proper role isn't to have the alpha and enlightened share power.  This was the norm in a lot of traditional (or post-traditional, depending on how you define it) societies.  This is essentially because, like you said, the alphas are psychopaths.  I believe the people serve the alphas out of fear and greed (kind of like voting for Hillary even though it's acknowledged she's not trustworthy) up until they decide they need a smart person who actually cares about them.  At that point they turn to the enlightened type.

That is also my (admittedly simple) observation for why we are so deep into the kali yuga, there is little need for the enlightened type and so everyone serves the psychotic alphas.

Finally, the sabbath dinner reminds me of the vague and casual tradition of Sunday dinner in the UK.  Only more developed.  It sounds like a good idea to me.
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Re: Growing Biblic Judaism

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Re: Growing Biblic Judaism

Hax Templar
Taiwan is pretty affordable without being third worldy.  If you want to do something regarding learning Chinese then it's not a poor choice, or so I tell myself being out here :P

Good luck finding a place to settle and I'll try to join one of your bible studies some time soon!