Help me become a fitness guru

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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

R.C. Christian
This is too early. You need views first. Spice up the videos by capturing yourself from all kinds of different camera angles, then edit it all together, as people have no patience & interest in sitting through watching a talking head in a static setting, with no color variety whatsoever. Use lots of captions and colors. Come up with a unique logo. Don't use the same thumbnail for each video. Change the picture for each thumbnail to be relevant to the topic, change the color and font as well, and put the text at an angle. Create YouTube Shorts.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

R.C. Christian
In reply to this post by Allen
Also, don't use a dash in your YouTube channel name. People tend not to remember using dashes, be it a URL or any kind of account name.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

R.C. Christian
None of what I suggested requires a production team. You can learn video editing, image & photo editing, even learn how to get all the software you need without paying big money. I learned it all by myself. It doesn't need to be up & running overnight, but you do need to put in the effort, because the competition does the same, whether they have the money to pay for each task, or do it alone. The more you can learn to do by yourself, the more control you'll have over the entire process.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

R.C. Christian
Instagram and TikTok are especially terrible that way. And most of those kids have absolutely no value in their content. I suspect we're probably too old for the algorithm as well.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

If your goal is to become profitable over social media then I would stop focusing on the current plan you have. Just go on platforms like Youtube and Tiktok and see what kind of content rakes in the most views and implement similar content. For Youtube you only need a 1000 subscribers to start making money from views. I used to do something similar using short videos and profited a little from it so you can ask me if you need help.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

Create more shorts videos with previews of your full videos. Obviously you have to give viewers a reason to click on your channel so it has to be engaging enough. Add light music in the background so the atmosphere doesn't feel dull.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

R.C. Christian
Clarkton wrote
 Add light music in the background so the atmosphere doesn't feel dull.
That's a good suggestion. I can make you original music for a friendly price, if you're interested.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

R.C. Christian
In reply to this post by Clarkton
Clarkton wrote
For Youtube you only need a 1000 subscribers to start making money from views.
Reaching 1000 subscribers is comparably the easier part, but you also need to get 4000 hours watch time for the last 12 months to be eligible for YT partner program and have ads on your vids that give you peas (but YT might place ads on your vids prior to that, only you don't make anything off of them).
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

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