How many times do we need to pray a day according to the Tora?

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How many times do we need to pray a day according to the Tora?

I have read in the Psalms that King David prayed 3 times a day? Is there written something about the timings of prayer in the Tanakh? I am a new reader, and it's a lot..
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Re: How many times do we need to pray a day according to the Tora?

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Re: How many times do we need to pray a day according to the Tora?

Ah okey, so it would be wise to follow the way of King David, i have read that he prayed 3 times a day.
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Re: How many times do we need to pray a day according to the Tora?

But there is a requirement to pray 5 times a day in Islam. Will that apply to us, or is it irrelevant since we aren't actually converting to Islam?