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well, it is destroying Europe right now. I disagree with your statement of violence is irrelevant to rape, though... On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 7:10 PM, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote: Here I will defend feminism, but not for the typical reasons. In order to understand this post, you must understand these two previous posts of mine: |
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the woman never denied she was raped though... rape does imply violence and force. I agree with everything else
I know this post was mostly tongue-in-cheek, but I must say that I disagree with it. If feminism causes our culture to decay faster that it would have decayed otherwise, then there will be less time for us to build a new culture, and potentially gather a significant following, before it is too late. If the gene pool is significantly altered because "omegas" have a disproportionately large number of children, then we may find ourselves in a scenario resembling the movie "Idiocracy" in a few generations.
In reply to this post by fschmidt
![]() Think of patriarchy as coastal defences and matriarchy as the sea. Think of the wave as Western Woman and the wall as Western Man.
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by fschmidt
A culture more intelligent seems to usually destroy the one before it. It's just never the outliers alone who make such a change, the few people with the edge are never the majority. A culture has to slowly raise in level and get to the point when most members of it are naturally above the previous one, so collapse of the old can and will happen, inevitably. But those outliers will never fit any of those cultures. They always seek the novel, the different, things that are authentic in an otherwise copycat society, they avoid conforming to the mainstream, be it rigid patriarchy or slutfest feminism.
Patriarchy will always triumph over matriarchy since matriarchy is degenerate.
Marriage is eugenic while bastardy is dysgenic. The reason why marriage is an institution is that it has been discovered to be eugenic, but people keep forgetting the lessons of history which only religion can instill. The lesson is that marriage is necessary for the continuation of your tribe, nation, empire and civilisation. The best religion can be discovered through the ranking of the four gentile religions in accordance with their conformity to the Noahide laws as proposed at
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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