Cryptocurrencies as an investment object
Cryptocurrency is defined as the money of the future or a 21st-century unicorn as some may joke. It has become a global phenomenon while being misunderstood by majority of financial institutions, governments and companies which are still working according to old standards. However, many of people working there have heard about virtual currencies such as Bitcoin which confused the society with its innovative approach to handling money flow in a form of digital cash.
The most popular cryptocurrencies of today
The most
popular cryptocurrencies nowadays are: Bitcoin (market cap $11, 382, 240, 050), Ethereum (market cap $904,848,975), Ripple (market cap $290,446,848), Litecoin (market cap $184,904,214), Monero (market cap $83,466,495), Ethereum Classic (market cap $80, 817, 441), Dash (market cap $66, 519, 213), Augur (market cap $52, 038, 360), NEM (market cap $37, 322, 550), Waves (market cap $35, 727, 500).
Is the first such currency which serves as a digital gold standard in the whole industry. Its price has increased from 0 to more than $650, while their transaction volume reached more than 200 thousand daily transactions.
While Bitcoin is referred to as a digital gold, this cryptocurrency is referred to as digital silver. It has an updated algorithm, is even faster and has a larger amount of token than the Bitcoin. However, it is still called „a smaller brother of of bitcoin”.
Is very flexible family of cryptocurrencies as it validates a set of accounts, balances and states as well being able to process complex programs and contracts.
This cryptocurrency raised a lot of awareness when its popularity peaked in Summer 2016. It happened for the reason of darknetmarkets deciding not to accept it as a currency. The consequences were its price increase and a decrease of its actual usage.
Has a bigger tendency to process IOUs than to be a cryptocurrency, it doesn’t serve as a medium to store and exchange value while having a XRP as a store of value. It is more like a token to protect the network about spam. However, such financial institutions as banks can use them and are using today as well on a daily basis.