Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

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Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

R.C. Christian
The real benefit is that self destructing morons die faster. Legal drugs like that are out there for the same reason that vaccine is for.
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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

In reply to this post by OmegaKV
Not really. Christianity does not forbid drinking alcohol (it forbids drunkenness), but people are better off not drinking alcohol at all anyway.
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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

Well, I suppose just the sheer ease with which one can become addicted to alcohol, which leads to all kinds of unhappy outcomes.

I'm not a teetotaler myself, but no one ever got hurt abstaining from alcohol in the first place.
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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

R.C. Christian
Define "successful".