Masturbation is for pussies?

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Masturbation is for pussies?

Masturbation is short term pleasure which lasts for 2 seconds maximum. I ask people why they do this activity and it's the same incompetent answers:

"helps you explore yourself"

"relieves stress"

These answers aren't good enough for me because they are too vague so before I come to a full conclusion, I want to know if anyone in here masturbates and I want them to explain why. People in here seem reasonable so I'm hoping for good answers.

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Re: Masturbation is for pussies?

R.C. Christian
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Re: Masturbation is for pussies?

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Re: Masturbation is for pussies?

Both candy and masturbation are a form of pleasure yes but I think masturbation is different in terms of effects. For example, my friends all masturbate and they seem very low in energy, anxious and with low self esteem. Of course I wouldn't be saying this if they were like this all the time but I can sense this after they've done the act. They are the exact opposite in terms of behaviour when they go by a day or two without masturbating. I hope you see the point of my post now.
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Re: Masturbation is for pussies?

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Re: Masturbation is for pussies?

I have been looking for answers on the web but they all give very vague answers like I said before. I might be wrong but I think these main stream health sites give these vague answers on purpose so stupid people can get their approval to participate in things like masturbation without knowing the full side effects. When they do get to the side effects they are in denial because they refuse to believe the information from these sites aren't exactly right.
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Re: Masturbation is for pussies?

In reply to this post by Clarkton
I could tell my female colleagues had sex with their partners by the minor changes in their behavior. The whole masturbation/sex thing is kind of complex because it involves instances such as addiction, refractory periods/physiological changes or some other controversial phenomena such as Postorgasmic illness syndrome - with each of these potentially contributing to the person's "fitness". People are also frequently subjected to the effects of anosognosia for various reasons - such as a drunk person being unaware of or underestimating the changes in his/her behavior or a chronic masturbator not recognizing he keeps being numbed out and apathetic.
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Re: Masturbation is for pussies?

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Re: Masturbation is for pussies?

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Re: Masturbation is for pussies?

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Re: Masturbation is for pussies?

In reply to this post by OmegaKV
This is the kind of response I was looking for. Looks like I wasn't imagining this and there really are effects of masturbation. I don't indulge in this kind of activity so I wouldn't know what this impulsive energy is that you're talking about as I've never been without it.

As for getting a girlfriend. There are two main things I've observed from people that do have them, the two things being desirable and having social status.

Being desirable doesn't necessarily mean being attractive. It means giving the females a reason for being with you. This has to be something that isn't common so things like money and charisma. By money I don't mean spending all your money on them basically making them a prostitute, you should at least show them you have money so they see that you can provide for them which makes you undoubtedly attractive and desirable. Charisma is a much easier thing to add to your value compared to making money. You can easily implement the behaviour of charismatic people you know and this will attract a lot of females towards you. The girl that you want will see you as more desirable because everyone else wants you. I think charisma also ties with having social status. The people I know that have girlfriends are all known for being someone. For example, one person that I know is known for being funny, this is obviously a pathetic thing to be known for but it shows that people acknowledge your exist which shows that your not irrelevant which in return help females acknowledge your existence. As for looks, I think you have to be at least above average or even just average, girls will see through your looks if you possess any of the values I mentioned.