Opinions on influence of religion on morality in Ancient Greece and Rome?

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Opinions on influence of religion on morality in Ancient Greece and Rome?

Obviously, ancientAthens and the ancient Roman Empire are some of the greatest civilizations in history, and their moral code, with their emphasis on civic virtue, ethical behavior, and sexual morality. However, their religion (at least from I have learned in school) seems amoral, with gods that frequently act erratically and do not attempt to impose a moral code on humans. Do you think that there were other factors that led the ancient Greeks and Romans to develop a strong moral code? Or do you think that the ancient Greek and Roman religions were more focused on morality than people think they were?
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Re: Opinions on influence of religion on morality in Ancient Greece and Rome?

Yeah, that's a good point. I suppose that the ancient Greeks gods fought amongst each other a lot, but they behaved morally to one another after they formed an agreement to cooperate. And I suppose that the Iliad and the Odyssey were central to the ancient Greek mythology even though they didn't focus on only the gods. A modern academic might take notice of Hector's quote to Paris, but would probably interpret it as a quote demonstrating the importance of loyalty and restraint, not sexual morality.