Right Lives Matter

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Right Lives Matter

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Re: Right Lives Matter

The Opposition
You're ignoring the fact that the Left controls the media. Not just in population centres, but everywhere.

The greatest wish of the Left is that the Right will fight back. One hand raised, one blow delivered against the Left will magnify a million fold into every excuse they need to start locking people up for their beliefs or the colour of their skin.

If you organise a protest, they will make sure it's violent by planting someone violent. Not that they have to do that, since they can make it look however they want.

The only reason anyone but the Left is even alive now is that the media has kind of a hard time finding any instances of fighting back they can spin into throwing the first punch.
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Re: Right Lives Matter

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Re: Right Lives Matter

The Opposition
Allen wrote
So what is the solution then? If the right fights back they lose according to you.
I don't think there is a solution. I think it's checkmate. But since this is real life and not chess, we're forced to play out the remaining moves even though the game has already been decided.

I obviously can't encourage terrorism, but ultimately it doesn't matter because progressive society is built on sacrificing sustainability for immediate benefit, so it can't last. Eventually resources will run out and leave people who are incapable of picking sustainability so they'll die the first winter.

Then people will become "conservative" again (the word still has legitimate ties with actually conserving things), build society again, and then society will have lots of sustainability for exploiters to pop like grapes to gain immediate benefit, soar ahead and outcompete all the conservatives. Lather, rinse, repeat.
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Re: Right Lives Matter

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Re: Right Lives Matter

The Opposition
I already did what you're doing. I fled a leftist population centre for a more conservative area only to have Californians population bomb my new home. How do you "fight back" against people coming from a terrible area with their inflated money simply moving in?

If you move to Idaho the same thing will happen. You're actually feeding the beast by leaving: Your old home becomes less conservative because you left. You're helping the process along. If people would simply refuse to be driven out they would at least have to spend more effort flipping each city. Instead, often a single horrible policy is enough to make people flee. Because it is easier to tear down than build up, you can't win. If you're trying to build a sand castle and the other guy is trying to smash it, guess who wins in absence of aggression.

You already talked about how simply fleeing won't work. The reason it won't work is because when you get to Idaho, the infinitesimal few who moved with you will see it your way, while the vast majority of people already in Idaho will be a mix of people who can see several moves ahead with my viewpoint and people who don't even see the problem because it didn't happen to them yet.

Now, if you could move to somewhere that didn't have any people yet, that might work, at least for a while.