Some ChatGPT criticism

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Some ChatGPT criticism

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Re: Some ChatGPT criticism

Most AI systems today are “narrow” systems designed for a particular purpose. In video game AI they are written to work against the human player, but the number of actions are limited in a controlled “environment” that has a score heuristic system that would maximize the score for itself and minimize for the player
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Re: Some ChatGPT criticism

R.C. Christian
In reply to this post by fschmidt
What he's saying isn't basically the age old problem of trying to emulate infinite complexity with finite building blocks (where perfect emulation would be a perfect copy of nature, practically unattainable)?

On a side note, interesting to see that most of these ancient European type American people have an anti-woke personality. Once one starts to see the patterns, it's hard to conceal that the problem is mainly genetic.