Some Islamic Theology

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Some Islamic Theology

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Re: Some Islamic Theology

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Re: Some Islamic Theology

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Re: Some Islamic Theology

but blindly follow tradition without knowing the background and reason might be a serious issue...

On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 6:20 PM, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Basically yes.

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Re: Some Islamic Theology

"but blindly follow tradition without knowing the background and reason might be a serious issue..."

All these "traditions" in the name of "Islaam" are fabrications.

The Quran told us to believe in the Gospel, Psalms and the Torah.

What do sectarians say? Down with these Books..

The so called "Sunnah"/"lifestyle" of the Prophet Mohammed, which the so called "Muslem" world claims to follow is just a fabrication.

Saudi Arabia earns billions of dollars each year with false doctrines which are being attributed to Mohammed, which have no ground when compared with the Quran, thus never can be from Mohammed.

It's sad, 1+ Billion, following conjecture, using a Book Inspired by God, to justify sectarian false doctrines, and, who try to withold others from the previous Scriptures such as the Gospel, the Psalms and the Torah.

But yeah, everyone will be in shock at the second coming.