Suggestion for an Intentional Ethnicity

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Suggestion for an Intentional Ethnicity

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Re: Suggestion for an Intentional Ethnicity

Essentially, the formation of an ethnicity is the long-term process of establishing large-enough commune or sect that can avoid outward influence, both culturally and genetically. The Amish are an obvious example. Serbia is another one.

"Typically people living together without too much outside influence will naturally become an ethnicity." This is the key essence and key problem for the formation of an ethnicity.  I would split it into 2 aspects:
1) creation of ethnicity and
2) maintaining an ethnicity.

The creation can be assessed by having a selected group. For creating a higher ethnicity, tests as you mentioned would be essential to form a reasonable base stock.

To maintain, it would be of highest importance to make LEAVING far easier than JOINING. The concept of exclusivity needs to be an essential part of the ethnicity's self-understanding. Current religions, in particular Islam, do the exact opposite. This allowed them to grow in size, but lose in quality.