Support the Family

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Support the Family

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Re: Support the Family

A few questions:

-Do you think that establishing a system of arranged marriage would be a good idea? On one hand, it would be the best way to ensure that everyone can find someone to marry. On the other hand, it might not be the best way of pairing people who are a good match for each other, and a more informal system where people help their friends find spouses might be sufficient as long as the society values people with positive qualities.
-I can imagine that even in a patriarchal society, most women wouldn't want their husbands to see prostitutes. What are your thoughts on how to resolve this situation? Do you think that the man should avoid going to a prostitute except if there is a lack of intimacy in the marriage? Or do you think that going to a prostitute is okay in all cases and the women is in the wrong if she objects? Or do you think that this is something that should be worked out on an individual basis between each husband and wife?
-Also, what if one partner (either the husband or wife) refuses to have sex or decides that he or she does not want children? Should divorce be allowed in those cases? I think that since many people consider sex and having children to be an essential component of marriage, this should be an acceptable reason for divorce.