The Quran

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The Quran

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Re: The Quran

I wonder how 33:40 was translated, or more specifically which word he is using there: Last or Seal.  It is quite clear to me that the accurate translation should be Seal; using the word  Last might indicate that the translator is too much effected by the religious Islamic paradigm("Muhammad is the Last prophet")  rather than the simple translation of the text itself.
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Re: The Quran

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Re: The Quran

I know Hebrew, and many words in Arabic. though I'm not in the level required for understanding text without a dictionary.

Anyway, in this particular case, the root of the word is K.T.M - which is the same as Hebrew. The same root is used in the old testament in various places. for example in Isaiah: "Bind up this testimony of warning and seal up God’s instruction among my disciples." .

I believe in this particular verse it means Muhammad is authenticating the prophets before him. as the King's seal is used to validate the letter was written by the king. see Esther 8:8 which is also using the same root.

The point here is not that I'm saying the the usage of the word "Last" is wrong in terms of meaning (However, I do think it is indeed wrong and divert the meaning); what I'm saying here is that the translation of that word as "Last" is not loyal to the text. The translator should let the reader decide for himself if the word "Seal" means "Last" in this context or not.
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Re: The Quran

In reply to this post by fschmidt
There are lots of mobile application available on app store through which you can read translation and interpretation of Quran Karim.