The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

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The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

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Re: The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

Secular Koranism
Perhaps we should approach it from another angle and argue that law should reflect morality. After all, what would be the point of it not reflecting  morality.

We would then be asked which morality our laws should reflect.  

The only kind of morality worth its name would be patriarchal moral values found in the Bible and Koran. This would be what is also known as Natural Law, God's Law or Theocracy.  

Laws falling outside that category are Positive Law. explains my position on this.

Societies that uphold patriarchal moral values have more social cohesion that societies that do not. Indeed, it could be said that policies that promote the opposite of adhering to the gold standard of marriage, ie policies that condone and tolerate extramarital sex in all its varieties, actually erode and dissipate social cohesion.
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by fschmidt
The great difficulty of Christianity is the absurdity of the Trinity, which Christians are required to believe to be Christian. Types of Christian:

1) Believing Christians who do indeed believe that Christ is also God and His son

2) Christians who say they believe, but don't really.

3) Christians who say they are having difficulty believing it.

4) People who identify with Christianity because they are neither Jewish nor Muslim, but don't even know they are supposed to believe in the Trinity.

It is for this reason that Christianity and Hypocrisy so often go hand in hand.

Only Christians go to heaven and only people who believe that Christ is also God and His son are really Christian. It is their get out hell free card and knowing how the system is clearly corrupting.

Imagine spending an entire lifetime concentrating on convincing yourself that you do believe in this nonsense and agonising over your immortal soul if you don't when you could be reading so many good books.

Most people already have difficulty believing in God, but asking them to believe that Christ is also God Himself and His son is a different order of faith required. It is therefore easier just to lie.  

The Trinity is therefore the Achilles heel of Christianity. Achilles is now dead and the West is now as Christian as a skeleton used to be human.  

Into this vacuum shall therefore move Islam, because Nature abhors a vacuum.
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

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Re: The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

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Re: The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Can you name a modern liberal belief that you consider as absurd as the Trinity?
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by fschmidt
That debate you referred as "some combination of hypocrisy and stupidity" was what I had to study as Jurisprudence in the final year of my law degree. It wasn't until years later that I realised I had been duped into wasting my time by liberals who chose that question.

Then I discovered the background of H L A Hart.

If Natural Law had been defined as "law said to be God's law as found in the Bible and Koran", we would not have wasted our time getting our minds bent trying to write something sensible about it.  
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

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Why church and state was separated by the Americans

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Because the Pilgrim Fathers suffered religious persecution by the Established Church and fled the Old World to escape to the New World because of it, the desire to avoid the same unpleasantness in their adopted country was the reason for this rule.  

But that was all it meant: there would be no Church of America ie no established church being the State Church to persecute or marginalise anyone who was not of it.  

Islam does not have this separation because the idea that law should reflect the religious morality of the land is obvious, logical and simple. Islam did not have the same turbulent history of religious schism as Christianity. All who fell to Muslim invaders simply had to obey Islamic law while Christians were always asking themselves whether they really really really believed if Christ was also God because if you didn't believe Christ was also God you weren't Christian and only Christians go to heaven. Napoleon Hill was a secret Muslim, it appears.  
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Law and morality

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by fschmidt
"Law always reflects morality."

Are you in fact saying that you agree with all the laws of your land which reflect all the morality of your land?
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: Law and morality

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Re: Law and morality

Secular Koranism
Let us go back to first principles, or at least the first principles of my propositions.  

1.  The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.

2.  Religion comes from the Latin religare, which means to bind [society].

3.  Politics comes from polis which is about deciding what rules and principles etc are necessary to sustain a city state.

4.  Morality is about rules that tell us what to do and what not do for the good of the group, however that group is defined and whatever the conditions of admission into that group.  Note that morality has to be for the good of the group. If what is allowed and encouraged does not increase group solidarity then those rules are by definition immoral. If you take that position, you can easily argue that Liberalism is by definition immoral because liberal policies in the 21st century are only about encouraging and condoning extramarital sex, which has already been declared immoral by God.

What I am suggesting, therefore, is that only patriarchal moral values can be said to be morality.  Anything that departs from that is by definition immoral.  

Patriarchy can only exist if marriage is practised but everything about feminism undermines marriage.

How does feminism undermine marriage?

By encouraging and condoning extramarital sex and affirming the right to sexual liberation of both men and women. This means saying women have the right to have premarital sex.  If women are allowed to premarital sex, then men are of course also allowed it.  

Once fornication is allowed then adultery, sodomy, incest and paedophilia etc will soon follow in the slippery slope argument. This has now come to pass.  

The Kantian principle of universalisability beautifully illustrates the immorality of allowing extramarital sex. If everyone committed incest, paedophilia, fornication, adultery, bestiality and sodomy, the human race would become degenerate and eventually die out.

Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

In reply to this post by Secular Koranism
Andromeda07734 wrote
The great difficulty of Christianity is the absurdity of the Trinity, which Christians are required to believe to be Christian.
"Equality without differentiation is bad equality. Differentiation without equality is bad differentiation." - Zen buddhist saying

To have equality is to have neither attachment nor aversion to this or that. When I cease to have differentiating thoughts, I become God, Christ, they become me and each other, and we become One with the entire infinite whole.

To have differentiation is to know what is appropriate or inappropriate for this or that. Doing the right thing at the right time means having good morals.
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Re: The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

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Re: The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture

fschmidt wrote
To have differentiation is simply to be alive.  Even an ameba or a plant differentiates between what it moves/grows towards or away from.
Zeno wrote in Politeia that in an ideal society, unisex clothing should be worn as a way to obliterate unnecessary distinctions between women and men. This is equality without differentiation - bad equality.

Forced eugenics, in the form of not allowing clueless people to have a chance at reproduction, is differentation without equality - bad differentation.