The "SJW" mindset: If you say anything offensive, we must do everything possible to destroy your life

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The "SJW" mindset: If you say anything offensive, we must do everything possible to destroy your life

I recently came across the following story: Apparently, a women who was working at Bank of America made some racists posts to her personal Facebook account. As a result, thousands of people wrote to Bank of America to demand that she be fired, and Bank of America fired her. While her posts were definitely offensive and inappropriate, it is ridiculous for her to be fired just for them. However, what is more disturbing is that so many people felt compelled to make sure that she suffered a disproportionate response to her actions. It is all part of this "SJW" notion that if it you say anything offensive, it is necessary to start a campaign and take all measures necessary to make that person's life worse. If a law was passed that called for people to be thrown in prison for saying racist things, these "SJWs" would probably support the law and report all offenders to the police.

On a side note, Bank of America was hypocritical for firing her. They have discriminated against black people for decades and gave many black families sub-prime mortgage loans in the years leading up to the housing crisis. They have done more harm to black people than this woman ever did.
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Re: The "SJW" mindset: If you say anything offensive, we must do everything possible to destroy your life

This is probably true to some extent. But I think that a lot of "SJWs" (at least those who come from privileged backgrounds) are motivated by a guilt mindset that causes them to behave recklessly in order to relieve themselves of guilt. I used to be a "SJW" and was actually involved in an activist organization, and I was definitely motivated by guilt.