I have come across this obscure site called ageoflaodicea/thinkoutsidethebeast.
www.ageoflaodicea.com The author claims it's the White race (Europeans) who are referred to as Israelites in the Bible, the race originating from Adam, through Jacob/Israel. The Jews, according to him, are not the group associated with Judah, but rather Satan's children originating from Cain (who was not Adam's son, he says), through Esau/Edom. They are responsible for perverting/twisting the scripture. www.ageoflaodicea.com/jew-or-judah/ He desists from quoting 2:4-2:6, which provides a contextual framework, but clearly contradicts his narrative. www.ageoflaodicea.com/adam-and-eve/ However, I cannot judge the validity of his claims because my knowledge of scriptures is rather poor and because he uses an etymological-heavy approach to comment on different verses, possibly in a cherry-picking fashion. He seems zealous as well, providing walls of text regarding any topic he focuses on - such as him "clarifying the facts" under the nickname "doxholiday1372" in the comment section under this video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVssIIRsRZ4 Can anyone knowledgable share your impressions? @fschmidt @Allen @OmegaKV |
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I am well aware you're racially Jewish and did not intent to offend you in any way by linking the site. I was just curious about how your own scriptural interpretation corresponds with/differs from what the author says about different biblical topics. There is a whole section dedicated to OT and NT books on the site, featuring author's interpretations of some of the passages and verses. I know you're very knowledgeable with views that often differ from what is considered to be a fact by the mainstream religious groups (such as mistranslation/misinterpration of the Leviticus passage forbidding same-sex relations between men). It's the first author I came across that considers the incestous relationship between Ham and Noah's wife to be implied in the scripture - other authors often stick to literal interpretations or fabricating scenarios such as Ham having sex with his father, etc. |
From this book written by Eustace Mullins (page 18):
"It was Ezra Pound who launched upon a study of Byzantine civilization, and who reminded the world of this happily non-Jewish land. From the Byzantines, Pound derived his non-violent formula for controlling the Jews. "The answer to the Jewish problem is simple," he said. "Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government." And this is how simple it is. There is no need to kill the Jews. In fact, every pogrom in history has played into their hands, and has in many instances been cleverly instigated by them. Get the Jews out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community. Get the Jews out of education and they cannot pervert the minds of the young to their subversive doctrines. Get the Jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation." What's your opinion on this? |
I don't know. Ironically, it was two guys I met (independent of each other) who claimed to have a Jewish DNA in their lineage that started bringing out how massive Jewish influence across various domains actually is - the type of discourse commonly regarded as a conspiracy or urban legend in the present-day era. The lack of transparency renders it almost impossible to draw an unbiased picture, and I don't plan spending hundreds of hours sorting out conflicting information for an insignificant gain in my knowledge about the topic.
In the recently published video clip, this proud Jewess claims Jews have always done what's right and are capable of changing the world + she offers a small list of the fruits of their efforts: www.youtube.com/shorts/EtaL5xaSxcE |
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