Thoughts on anti-homosexuality in Islam?

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Thoughts on anti-homosexuality in Islam?

I’ve been thinking more about the prospect of associating with Islam in the long-term, and one thing that concerns me is Islam’s stance on homosexuality. Nominally, the Quran has the same stance as the Old Testament (requiring anyone engaging in a homosexual act to be put to death). However, Islam actually enforces this rule to a greater extent than any Christian or Jewish nation, since most Muslim countries actually have anti-homosexuality laws. In contrast, many sects of Christianity are nominally opposed to homosexuality but rarely punish homosexuals in practice (I’m not sure how Judaism is in this regard). Does anyone have an idea of how Muslim churches in the US would view homosexuality? If a non-believer who was openly gay or lesbian wanted to associate with Islam, would other Muslims be willing to look the other way, or would they refuse to associate with an openly gay person?

My personal view on homosexuality is that it is not inherently a problem, and that gay or lesbian people should be allowed to date people of the same sex because they can’t force themselves to genuinely be attracted to people of the opposite sex. In practice, gay and lesbian people tend to be overly promiscuous and absorb negative traits associated with “modern culture” to a greater extent that straight people. However, I don’t think this is inherently true, since I know some gay and lesbian people who aren’t promiscuous and are intelligent and sophisticated (at least by the standards of modern culture). An ideal society would tolerate homosexuality, but would require homosexuals to get married and have children (adopting or using a sperm donor) and would discourage them from sleeping around.

I personally disapprove of any rules against homosexuality because they condemn gay or lesbian people to inceldom (or marrying someone that they’re not actually attracted to). Normally, I don’t care if someone or a group of people is anti-homosexuality. However, I could potentially have a gay son or daughter, and I’m worried that if I get my future family to associate with Islam or another group that is vehemently anti-homosexual, he or she would rebel and embrace modern culture. What are your thoughts? Do you think that anti-homosexuality in Islam could be a problem or is it not worth worrying about it?