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Re: Tithe

I have two questions. First, when you say "Mikraite man," do you mean a man who is affiliated with our group, or do you mean any religious leader from a religion that we determine to be acceptable? Also, what if someone is very poor and cannot afford to give one-tenth of his or her income to the church? Should that person just give as much money as he or she can give? Would it make more sense to treat the tithe like a graduated tax, where the wealthiest people pay more than 10% and the poorest people pay less than 10%?
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Re: Tithe

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Re: Tithe

In my own church the less financially capable can 'tithe' by offering to the community a portion of their time or a resource instead - for example, looking after a neighbour's children for an hour, or mending clothes for somebody else. Could something similar work here?
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Re: Tithe

Iscah wrote
In my own church the less financially capable can 'tithe' by offering to the community a portion of their time or a resource instead - for example, looking after a neighbour's children for an hour, or mending clothes for somebody else. Could something similar work here?
My gut reaction to that suggestion is that it sounds a little like indentured servitude.
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Re: Tithe

I don't really understand that. It is more like an an act of charity - both to a neighbour, and to the person unable to tithe in the financial sense. Also fulfils one function of tithing, to benefit the community as a whole.