I was "religious", following sects that are attributing their false doctrines to the Quran, because i didn't know better. I was "salafi", extreme orthodox, you can compare them with the people from "neighteru karta". Why, because i wasn't reading, i was following what people were saying, i wasn't reading the book, but if i was i was reading it with the influence of those sectarian doctrines.
Then one day, a miracle happened. I started reading the Quran more, and i came across the Quranites, you can compare them with Karaites, they try to uphold the Quran alone, without any other sources, because the word of God is perfect, fully detailed. So i started following the people who are being called Quranites, but most of them don't like to call themselves Quranites, i didn't either. So i started reading the Quran more and more.
Until i found out, that i shouldn't listen to what people say anymore if it comes to worshipping God, except Hes Word alone. So i started reading the Quran more and more, until i started reading about the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Psalms, and how God told me to believe in them etc. So i started reading the Bible, because of a miracle again. I started reading the Gospel, the Psalms and the Torah in a translation. Now i am also trying to learn Arabic, Aramaic and Hebrew. And i am still learning.
The point is, that we should submit to God alone. We should take God as a guide. He sent down all books in the Tanakh that were written after the Torah. So why can't He sent the Gospel, and the Messiah? So why can't He sent the Quran, to warn against what the "catholics" are doing etc.? God alone should be our motto. We should try to follow all words of God. God alone we should try to serve.