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Re: Truth

I mostly agree with everything that you have said. However, even with external sources of truth, there is a danger of people rationalizing what they want to believe. In many cases there is a limited amount of data that is not enough to make accurate inferences, and faulty assumptions are often made based on faulty empirical observatory. For example, back in the 19th and early 20th centuries, there was a theory called the "Expanding Earth Theory," that the Earth was increasing in size based on geological observations that were actually caused by shifting tectonic plates. Of course, from a logical point of view, the Expanding Earth Theory makes no sense, because the amount of material from outer space that arrives on Earth (such as meteorites) is tiny compared to the mass of the earth. In my opinion, it is ideal to make observation and theories based on an external source (empirical evidence), but also test them for logical validity with internal reasoning.
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Re: Truth

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Re: Truth

Yeah, the density of the earth could theoretically decrease, but it wouldn't happen until the chemical composition of the inner earth is changing, which is extremely unlikely. As for the double-slit experiment, there could be additional scientific research in the future which helps us understand the nature of light in ways that we can't understand it now. And yeah, I generally agree that we should rely on empirical evidence first for knowledge.
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Re: Truth

We can mention here the Michelson Morley_experiment where the scientific community failed to interpret the results of the experiment correctly (only after 20 years). simply because they held to theory of the aether too strictly. so instead of having doubts on the theory, they had doubt on the experiment itself (not accurate enough).
I think we can learn from that, that we should not attach too strongly to our current understanding, and not to crystallized our thoughts.