It went downhill quickly after the reigning ̶s̶l̶u̶t̶ woman (or possibly fake woman) posted her feminist credo.
When you write something to bored morons, they will start arguing just for the sake of it.
It's getting impossible to overestimate the general stupidity level of the population. I'm thankful for the vaccine, because this way it has just become as much easier to see the ones without sufficient intelligence, intuition and a true, moral heart.
Right on page 1 you get lectured about religion by an atheist. That's just so typical of how things are these days. But who's to blame for it? They want to fix climate change because they know it causes the degeneration. But people won't ever be able to fix it. It's too large scale for that. To put it symbolically, God is screwing it up, and God is going to fix it, the way it always happens, periodically.