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Re: Tzitzit

Hax Templar
Why at night? Presumably, no other people see you at night besides maybe your family so it's not setting you apart to wear it then.

The "four corners" of the garment law could also suggest that it only applies to things like shawls and cloaks, which today might include things like raincoats.  A garment without corners (shirts, pants et al) don't have corners.
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Re: Tzitzit

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Re: Tzitzit

Hax Templar
Ah right, of course.  I should have realized that was what you meant.

If you look at ancient paintings of people with tzitzit on shawls and cloaks, I'm struck by how good they look.  Tzitzit on modern clothing looks bad.  I have idly wondered if there isn't some kind of compromise out there that would look good on modern forms of clothing.

Tzitzit on knitted or loosely woven cloaks looks good since the whole cloak is basically made that way while modern clothing is usually weaved and sown.