Under the amended birthright citizenship laws, will the American-Jews be allowed to travel to Israel and enroll in the Israeli military/defense force trainining?

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Under the amended birthright citizenship laws, will the American-Jews be allowed to travel to Israel and enroll in the Israeli military/defense force trainining?

Ibn Ghassan
The original meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Citizenship Clause promises birthright citizenship to people born on U.S. soil only if they are not at the same time citizens of a foreign nation, giving Congress the option of denying citizenship to the children of foreigners or people who claim American citizenship and yet work or have more allegiance towards a foreign entity like Israel.

President Trump’s imminent order could set up a test case both of the meaning of the Citizenship as well as what it entails for Israeli-Americans and their religious/political duties towards the state of Israel. President Trump has elevated a national discussion on an extraordinarily important issue that has been building for decades. He appears to be shaping the very battlefield on which he will fight, on a matter that tens of millions of voters care about deeply.

In conclusion, anti-Jewish, anti-Islamic and anti-African sentiments of the White-Nationalists alongside the racism-based deep nationalistic tribal instincts, are setting up the stage for what it actually means to be a US citizen and although a direct assault on Israeli and American portfolios of Jewry is some distance away, it certainly would be a credible target once the Latino/Mexican issue has been sorted out.
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Re: Under the amended birthright citizenship laws, will the American-Jews be allowed to travel to Israel and enroll in the Israeli military/defense force trainining?

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Re: Under the amended birthright citizenship laws, will the American-Jews be allowed to travel to Israel and enroll in the Israeli military/defense force trainining?

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Re: Under the amended birthright citizenship laws, will the American-Jews be allowed to travel to Israel and enroll in the Israeli military/defense force trainining?

Ibn Ghassan
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Well it depends on who you talk to but right wing constitutional experts (check Breitbart.com) would call the above statement factually correct, however I do agree with you on there being numerous interpretations and the radical right-wingers in the Presidential office do use them nowadays.

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> On Nov 4, 2018, at 1:39 AM, Allen [via Mikraite] <ml+s1100141n1889h46@n5.nabble.com> wrote:
> You are factually incorrect there. There are numerous Internet presentations on this.
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