Understanding Customers

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Understanding Customers

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Re: Understanding Customers

Nice summary, frank! I can think of so many concrete examples.

For example, another wisdom says that fear, greed, vanity, exclusivity is what drive people to buy, and this is exaclty what scam is about.

Innovation, same as trendy. The entire social media is just trendy.

Ecommerce, same as cheap.

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Re: Understanding Customers

Hilary Clinton 2016...

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 2:39 PM, Will [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Nice summary, frank! I can think of so many concrete examples.

For example, another wisdom says that fear, greed, vanity, exclusivity is what drive people to buy, and this is exaclty what scam is about.

Innovation, same as trendy. The entire social media is just trendy.

Ecommerce, same as cheap.

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