Maybe. But the point is that Ramzpaul and Lauren Southern appeal to normal people and effectively promote nationalism. Angry trolls don't accomplish anything besides venting their frustration.
You say that all the darkies should be ruthlessly purged from Britain and those responsible for them being there in the first place ruthlessly punished. How do we accomplish that?
c'mon allen. you know that won't work. western society needs a complete culture overhaul and unless there's a hard "reset" button i.e. complete collapse, nothing will change
Lauren Southern's real name is Simonsen. She's a pro-Israel Jew. Her real hair
color is dark. She's an actual mudshark slut who's dated a parade of brown guys
and posed in slutty images. She's getting a lot of beta bux on the internet.
Tara McCarthy's real name is Tarasita Hanrahan. She used to be the mistress of
a rich married guy who was enamored by this "young bi girl that was into
threesomes and stuff". As recently as 2015 she made videos promoting
anti-natalism and feminism in the West. Then she "reinvented" herself and
became queen of the Alt-Right. She's getting a lot of beta bux on the