Some interesting points you brought up which both of us found the common grounds on.
1. I had the misfortune of being an equipment vendor at martial arts tournament. I found that people who buys the stuff have the natural tendency to gravitate towards inferior products even when the cost with the superior products are the same. Even when I tend to recommend a better product, they’ll insist on the bad one.
2. I noticed too that Mohammed acted far more like a prophet of the OT, than the modern definition of the “ideal Muslim”
3. It is also funny you brought up the Noah comparison as I recently thought of the same thing. I often thought that we can be like Moses, lead a community to survive and “escape” modernity but most of humanity is too far gone. Our enemies like the education system, news media and the entertainment industry have infinite wealth and have influenced the people beyond point of no return.
we need to act like Noah and Lot. Survive the dark days thats rapidly approaching. We do not have the resources or the ability to be like Moses