Why Religions Fail

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Re: Why Religions Fail

R.C. Christian
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fschmidt wrote
The success of societies today varies greatly even though they all have access to the same science and technology.  
I agree. It's because it depends on genetics, a general genetic signature that people of the same kind carry (there were times when it was not forbidden to call them different human species).

fschmidt wrote
In the long term, the success of a society depends on its ability to enforce good morals.
It always takes a lot of energy and resources and never really works. Large populations are doomed by default. The question is not whether but when and how quickly will they collapse.
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Secular Koranism
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R.C. Christian wrote
fschmidt wrote
The success of societies today varies greatly even though they all have access to the same science and technology.  
I agree. It's because it depends on genetics, a general genetic signature that people of the same kind carry (there were times when it was not forbidden to call them different human species).

fschmidt wrote
In the long term, the success of a society depends on its ability to enforce good morals.
It always takes a lot of energy and resources and never really works. Large populations are doomed by default. The question is not whether but when and how quickly will they collapse.
Good morals cannot be enforced without the institution of marriage.

Christianity is the weakest link because it is now indistinguishable from liberalism, and liberalism in the 21st century only means sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting.  

Christianity is therefore kaput and cursed by God if He exists. Therefore it should be taken out with the trash and its stinking rotten corpse buried.

Islam is the obvious choice to replace it.
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by R.C. Christian
R.C. Christian wrote
all religions originating from Middle Eastern civilizations are necessarily dumbed down versions of a kind of ancient knowledge; religions are from the masses to the masses. To really get to the ancient knowledge, one has to dig deeper, before civilizations emerged, to times when there was no langue, no religions and no large, urbanized populations.
To get to the heart of any religion, read its official handbook ie scripture.

If you want a book of rules to base your civilisation on, why wouldn't you choose the Koran?

The Torah has 36 capital offences and even Jews don't want to live in a Torah theocracy.

Christendom has already been replaced by liberal democracy which makes Christianity kaput as well as cursed by God because of its idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer.  

The rising religion is Islam, the most advanced form of ethical monotheism.  
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: Why Religions Fail

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Re: Why Religions Fail

R.C. Christian
umit wrote
So you get your ideas from this person?
No, I form my own ideas, and he happens to have the same opinion on civilization I do. What he writes sounds reasonable regarding how technology is a crutch to the degenerate, overpopulated man who can no longer hunt or create his own tools. Varg's words make sense, as opposed to the fairy tale sounding crap you just put together even in your above post about a so-called God you don't even appear to understand.

The reason Russia and China are on the rise is because they could keep the Middle Eastern influence at the gates.

umit wrote
I do not think you really understand...we are talking about the latest version of Gods literal word.
Oh I understand. You guys are like the blind men and an elephant, unable to grasp the bigger picture because of being enamored with your favorite mass manipulation scriptures aka religions and too proud and/or too shortsighted to admit that they are already degenerate failures.
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Secular Koranism
R.C. Christian wrote
Oh I understand. You guys are like the blind men and an elephant, unable to grasp the bigger picture because of being enamored with your favorite mass manipulation scriptures aka religions and too proud and/or too shortsighted to admit that they are already degenerate failures.
You seem to be saying that your solution is better than any contained in revealed scripture. What is it, please?
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Re: Why Religions Fail

R.C. Christian
What do you want a solution for? If you mean a solution against human degeneration,

1. Wait until God aka Nature sorts it out, which will happen, but probably not in our lifetime.

2. Large scale eugenics, which in practice means mass murder and is highly immoral, but apparently it wasn't a problem for some evil people who came up with the SARS and the vaccines. It's basically like the Holocaust or the Spanish Flu or World Wars on steroids.

3. Move to a reasonable place that is still not as degenerate as the West. Realistically, it's probably Russia these days.
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Re: Why Religions Fail

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Re: Why Religions Fail

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I can tell you are not a married father.
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by fschmidt
The solution is obviously political activism to restore the patriarchy.
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by R.C. Christian
You're an atheist, aren't you?
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Re: Why Religions Fail

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Re: Why Religions Fail

R.C. Christian
In reply to this post by Secular Koranism
Secular Koranism wrote
You're an atheist, aren't you?
How can you tell?
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Because you are prepared to let everything crash and burn while you theorise.
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Re: Why Religions Fail

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Re: Why Religions Fail

Secular Koranism
The practical option would be to say what the problem is: the failure of Christianity and what replaced it - liberalism.

This is why you say Islam should be the new moral system, don't you?

Andrew Tate has put his money where his mouth is.  

I am saying as a non-Muslim that the political solution to that of restoring social conservatism is a one-party theocracy whether it will happen within my lifetime or not.
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Re: Why Religions Fail

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Re: Why Religions Fail

Secular Koranism
Why do you say political activism is not a practical solution?
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