Why does being a decent, moral, civil person make one a target of insult and harassment?

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Why does being a decent, moral, civil person make one a target of insult and harassment?

What's the logic behind the harassment of people who are more intelligent and more decent?

One doesn't need to be fat, ugly, retarded, uncool, to be bullied, usually subtly, by people. People seem to hate decency by itself. I've seen tons of even popular/famous, beautiful, incredibly cool admired people having a hard time simply because they were good people.

This seems to be envy. Why are people envious of decency, instead of simply becoming decent? Are they afraid of being decent? In their mind, what horrible thing could happen to them if they were to become decent?

They are probably afraid of being ostracized themselves. And this reinforces the rule: in modern culture, one gets harassed simply for being decent.

Modern culture tells us you will get harassed for being a nerd, fat, ugly...this is mostly bullshit. Yes, nerds can get harassed too, but you can get bullied as a beautiful intelligent and attractive/cool man as well. It will happen, envy of those qualities aside, simply because you are decent and moral, and people seem to be allergic to that. Can somebody explain the LOGIC behind this? It is the question of my life. Eventually I cannot imagine the thinking behind people who harass one simply for being decent, something that I have seen happening over and over again.

One factor I see is extreme narrow mindedness: conformist people are persuaded that different than themselves and those like them = bad, forgetting that BETTER than them exists as a matter of fact, and to be better, you've got to be different.

I've seen that some don't believe anything could ever claim to be "better", and that is the essence of arrogant. They call someone who is BETTER  and know it "arrogant", when THEY are being arrogant for believing nobody can claim to be better than them.

They act like everything they and their group do and think is ABSOLUTE PERFECTION, and anything that differs can never be better or even equal: it is inferior period.

This happens with extremely prideful/narcissistic groups. It is clinical narcissism pure and simple. And narcissists tend to are also mix in severe envy. In their case, their hatref of those better than them is both envy and spite. I know this is true, yet it isn't simple for me to explain what exactly happens in their head. Can you?

The truth is very simple: there is hierarchy in everything in nature, and among men of course there are better and inferior men in all aspects according to completely common-sense standards you don't need a PhD in anything to understand - just common sense. Modern culture instead is based on the foolish lie of equality and its ideas over what constitutes "better" are completely solipsistic if not utter illogical nonsense. Example: to a woman (the queens of solipsism, of course) the better man isn't the one who IS better according to obvious absolute standards. Women nowadays do NOT regularly go for the more handsome, stronger, more intelligent man AT ALL. Modern women often go for the greatest asshole and loser who is objectively inferior as a man to others she might have picked. A man is better when he SERVES THEM better; it's a solipsistic evaluation. Many women are hungry for power and control, and pick the inferior man as he is better controlled. I have even heard women openly stating this (unbeknownst to them).

The respect society has for fame, popularity and social success is solipsistic as well: more socially successful people aren't better in absolute at all, as common sense dictates that in this world, you don't get famous necessarely for being "better", but through reality shows, youtube and the like you can get famous out of pure randomness, compromise and the lack of taste of others.

Famous people are assumed to be "better" in the mind of the masses of idiotic consumers because they feed the collectively solipsistic myth that social success can only and always equal happiness and absolute accomplishment that cannot be denied. The collective acts like a single foolish individual who doesn't question constantly-debunked myths. Plus, people are so cruel that they enjoy using famous ones as scapegoats for their misery. It's another reason why they follow famous people while waiting for them to fail. Envy seems to the core sentiment that dictates their behavior: they will see Brangelina having the imaginary "dream life", sigh and dream of that themselves, and then await for their dream to turn into a nightmare, and actually grin and rejoice of that. This is how your average gossip-following woman behaves. It's insanity!

In daily life, what "approximate percentage" of the people despise better people simply because they are DIFFERENT and think anything that is different is inferior or bad/evil, and what percentage are envious, recognize their inferiority and feel ashamed by it, cannot stand the thought of it and therefore react aggressively? For I believe these can be the two chief reasons why better people get bullied: prideful narrow-mindedness and envy. Sometimes both.

The result is that most modern social groups are dull and there is no reason to participate in them: nothing different and above mediocre is tolerated. Brilliant people, or even just decent moral people, are almost always loners. Those who compose big noisy groups, are morons and if you put someone even slightly yet substantially better than them among them, you'll see all their cruelty and vileness pouring out in case they looked "normal" until then.

I want to understand how lame irrelevant people who never had an original thought think, because I can't say I do entirely.
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Re: Why does being a decent, moral, civil person make one a target of insult and harassment?

This post at datejesus.com...


states another factor that can explain the behavior I am describing...

"Worse, you hate others that go into the world, able to get to truth, handle it without being offended, and work situations into successful outcomes. "

1) people are be made weak by education and society, and don't understand and despise anything that isn't as weak and deprived of character.
2) this IS a combination of narrow mindedness and envy - one big contributing factor making people this way is modern education.

For example I have always seen people who haven't travelled (visiting other countries today is so much simpler than before, you gotta have a good reason NOT to do that, namely incapable to walk on your feet. Without doing so, chances are you cannot gain a broad realistic perspective) ostracizing those who have, merely because they have and are thus capable to offer a more informed perspective. PEOPLE ARE OFFENDED BY ANYONE WHO CAN DO THINGS THEY CANNOT DO. It is envy pure and simple, of the most petty and last-man kind.

This is overly disgusting. So disgusting it makes me laugh. Average modern people couldn't be more pathetic.

Only a few are merely "inoffensively" MEDIOCRE, I'd say 30% in Europe or less. 5% are actually interesting and valuable, and their virtues overshadow their faults. The rest are shit and have no excuse - they chose worthlessness and as a result they are worthless.
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Re: Why does being a decent, moral, civil person make one a target of insult and harassment?

The last published article by the (in?)famous Roosh at Return of Kings is coincidentially relevant...

"Inverting society so that what was once strong is now weak while weaponizing useful idiots to act as shock troops against the few remaining strong men who survived the engineering is the powerful one-two combination that we must face."

People who aren't as engineered are harassed by the masses of morons. Nothing to do with ugliness, uncoolness, stupidity, being inferior in any way...no, it's the exact opposite. You are free and they are not. Freedom is much more valuable than beauty or any other substitute these poor fucks can wish to have (I also wonder if a non-free person can ever claim to be "beautiful"...I'm with Osho there, only rebels are beautiful). It is a big deal, and whether they can express it in words or not, they will envy the free man because they are hopelessly enslaved. Their delusions of freedom mean nothing, deep down they know they aren't and it isn't genuine, substantial freedom.

We are living in the age of envy as Ayn Rand said. The enslaved masses want to ruin it for the heroes who succeeded in freeing themselves from social conditioning. They can't stand the sight of free men.
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Re: Why does being a decent, moral, civil person make one a target of insult and harassment?

In reply to this post by Bjorn
Now people don't even give a shit nor see what is better and more intelligent and what isn't, huh? Good, good. Make mankind die now.

Human life makes sense only in assessment of HUMAN HIERARCHY. HUMANS AREN'T EQUAL, anyone denying this must be executed. Some humans are closer to God than others, fact.

No, it is not about being part of a religion - being in a religion doesn't make superior, that's fact. The spirit has no religion, the spirit is (should be) free. Free spirits are close to God, spirits who are enslaved by any culture are far awat.

if you disagree, FUCK YOU. I do not "think" you are a moron, you ARE a moron.

if you think there is a worse problem in the world than the Law of Jante, you are a moron as well.

The arrogance of the group towards better individuals, the tall poppy syndrome, the crab bucket mentality: THERE IS NO OTHER EVIL BUT THAT! If you disagree, you are worthless on ANY level and live in a solipsistic fantasy land of worthlessness.