A good samaritan helped me change my spare tire today

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A good samaritan helped me change my spare tire today

So during my drive home from NY to my dad's house in Jersey, just able 11miles from home on the NJ Turnpike my tired blew out. As I was struggling cranking up the jack, a Sunoco man stopped and ask if I was ok. He then used his professional tools to help me change the spare tire and pumping air in it. He helped me on the road side free of charge.

So the questions here are:
1. perhaps our society is not as unethical and decadent as we thought?
2. if a non-Mikraite help a Mikraite, do we owe those individuals favors?
3. Should Mikraites have a similar Noahide/Dhimmi concept regarding non-Mikraites?
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Re: A good samaritan helped me change my spare tire today

1. I don't think that our society is completely decadent and immoral, but I would consider it to be more immoral than other societies. You found one person that helped you without expecting anything in return, but the question is, what percentage of people in our society would do the same, and how does that percentage differ in other cultures such as the Mennonites?

2. I don't think that we need any rules about non-Mikraites favors. We can be officially neutral as a group about returning favors, but an individual Mikraite can definitely return the favor if he or she wants to.

3. If I remember correctly, the "Dhimmi" concept refers to Christians and Jews being given some legal rights under Muslim rule. If we somehow managed to gain political power in the US, the "Dhimmi" concept would be relevant for us, but it is probably not very relevant for us now.
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Re: A good samaritan helped me change my spare tire today

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In reply to this post by Peter
I had a similar incident a few years ago. My father's car broke down in the middle of a road in Oakland. A lot of people offered to help us push the car out of the way. All of the people were what we would consider "modern". Most were black. I wouldn't of helped any of them. I remembered one group of blacks in a lowered cadillac even offered to help. They looked like gang members and I would taken pleasure in passing them up if the tables were reversed. My feeling is that these people are like undomesticated animals. They may like you today but tomorrow they'll bite you. This is how I rationalize screwing them even if they offer to help me.
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Re: A good samaritan helped me change my spare tire today

In reply to this post by Peter
1. Being that the West is in a Post-Christian phase, there's still residual Christian aspects to it. Kindness to strangers will occasionally manifest. Social Justice Warriors, while denouncing Christianity as patriarchal and oppressive, still defend certain values which have their basis in Jesus's way of acting. Some of those being excessive mercy and sentimentalism, as well as a sense of spiritual individualism and a focus on the weak/meek.

2. Kindness should usually be returned. It builds trust,which allows societies to operate and function. It also spreads goodness, and increases the already small chance of a conversion. An expansion in quantity of the of the in-group, usually increases the fitness of the group itself.

3. I'm not sure a formalized concept is needed already but sure, the more exclusive group should be favored. One should choose family over stranger, Mikraite over non-Mikraite and so on. The formalization of such a rule like that though would necessitate political power.