A sample of what Western women are attracted to

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A sample of what Western women are attracted to

I came across this link on the new incels subreddit. Basically, a recent graduate from Duke wrote an article describing her college hookups in terms of physical appearance, personality, and the conversations that they had: https://deadspin.com/5652280/the-full-duke-university-fuck-list-thesis-from-a-former-female-student/ Here are a few samples of things that the men she had sex with said:

"She's so hot; guys, isn't she so hot?" [nods and murmurs of assent] "Her breasts...they're just exquisite. So exquisite."

“So Karen, how long does it take you to cum?” and pointing out to the room that I had “quite the nice rack, huh guys?”

Hooking up on Subject 4's couch, as he lay sleeping ten feet away. The quote: I just want to come all over you." The subject successfully (and accidentally) marking his territory with reproductive fluid on the couch, in the exact spot that [redacted] sat upon his reentry (to much general amusement).

Western women are so disgusting. It's so ridiculous how people actually believe that having a good personality is an asset rather than a hindrance in dating Western women.
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Re: A sample of what Western women are attracted to

Ha I think most western men are just outraged they are not on it. Holy shit number of partners in the teens. Makes me wonder if she’s a slut queen, just an average slut, or a conservative slut
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Re: A sample of what Western women are attracted to

In reply to this post by qwerty
All of a sudden I think my views on the Islamic Tahharush rape epidemic is not too adverse anymore... hey you think they have their own hip hop musics?

Yo yo yo ah iz rapin infidel bitches in mah crib
Allahu Akbar muthafuggaz!