Dealing with Modern Scum

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Dealing with Modern Scum

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Re: Dealing with Modern Scum

Not directly related. But out of curiosity. Does this commercial website is implemented with Luan?

Recently I was thinking of making online service/website that requires login and monthly subscription. For the fun (or not) I'm thinking  how to implement such a service if I had to do it myself and not rely on modern scum ideas or services.  What is the a simple lean yet secure solution (I guess I want to encrypt the passwords in DB)? and what is the right way to implement the sessions? I have no experience in this kind of programming.

Also do you have experience in marketing? After some thought I reach the conclusion this is the most important part (even more than the product/service) for a commercial success.
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Re: Dealing with Modern Scum

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Re: Dealing with Modern Scum

The commercial site you have, or even Nabble? how did you market it?

I had some experience with Facebook API some years ago. It was bad indeed. We had to make some tweaks in the library due to issues on their end, also it was not fully backwards compatible.  

They can do whatever they want... the world is restricted to only few marketing platforms, so their clients are basically slaves. Moreover I believe FB enjoyed huge demand surge in recent years due to all the "dropshipers et al" industry. For example people can find some shitty products from china, and sell it in their "own shop" (Shopify) maybe double the price; and they use some marketing to advertise their shop: barriers to entry are slim. So frustrating to see so companies like Meta thrive when the service they offer is simply not good. But this is the way the world today...