Does masturbation and porn decrease intelligence?

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Does masturbation and porn decrease intelligence?

My friend masturbates to porn once a week, I feel like this is decreasing his intelligence, is this true?
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Re: Does masturbation and porn decrease intelligence?

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Re: Does masturbation and porn decrease intelligence?

In reply to this post by Alex_Gamer
Alex_Gamer wrote
My friend masturbates to porn once a week, I feel like this is decreasing his intelligence, is this true?
There is a portion of men that is more receptive to the effects of orgasm who experience what's called Post-orgasmic illness syndrome (POIS). They are convinced some underlying pathology triggered by orgasm brings on a broad, lasting scope of symptoms ranging from flu-like malaise to severe neuropsychiatric disability that includes cognitive and mood impairments, suicidal ideation, inability to perform simple tasks requiring hand-eye coordination and so on.

I've been dealing with these orgasm-related problems ever since I started masturbating, which means it's not linked to the allergy to semen as some people suggest. There are many hypotheses about why this occurs but not a single one of them explains the phenomena in a satisfying manner. Premature orgasm is highly correlated with the severity of symptoms but delayed stimulation only serves as a necessary condition that may or may not precede a "good orgasm". I believe the prevalence of the condition is much higher than officially stated but remains underreported because it's a spectrum-like syndrome with some groups of men experiencing only minor, sub-clinical manifestations or having no awareness about connection of their problems with the "last night's orgasm" whatsoever. I also believe orgasm plays a key role in both the triggering of the condition and curing the condition at the same time, meaning there's some way (a technique involving muscle contractions, a type of arousal or anything else?) to mitigate the effects or even make you go from being highly depressive, fatigued and disorganized to feeling completely normal, functional and happy in a matter of seconds!

I found the connection many years ago after realizing it's the delayed orgasm - one of the side effects of antidepressants - that makes me feel normal frequently, not the antidepressants themselves that are otherwise extremely harmful to the brain and body.
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Re: Does masturbation and porn decrease intelligence?

In reply to this post by fschmidt
Why does gaming decrease intelligence?
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Re: Does masturbation and porn decrease intelligence?

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Re: Does masturbation and porn decrease intelligence?

I assume you think social media also decreases intelligence for the same reasons?