Far Right (forum)

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Far Right (forum)

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Re: Far Right (forum)

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Re: Far Right (forum)

The problem is that in today's society, the "far right" usually connotes Evangelical Christians, white supremacists, and supporters of Donald Trump, rather than reactionaries who wish to create a simpler, less perverse society. The people on the "far right" are not critical of modern culture, and are just intolerant of ideas that go against their worldview as liberals are. Plus, the obsession with racism and homophobia is quite tiresome. Although many conservatives speak of "family values," their only focus is cutting access to abortion and nothing that would actually help create stable families. Besides, the Republican Party is basically controlled by financial elites who are trying to impoverish everyone else. I think that the left-right spectrum is bogus, and there is no reason why one cannot be to the "left" of center on economic issues and to the "right" of center on social issues.
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Re: Far Right (forum)

In reply to this post by fschmidt
Bangladeshis, Indians and Pakis are dominating the IT and freelancer markets not by intelligence or by skill, but by clicking all day and working for $0.5/hr. Then people ask why I'm racist. Probably because I can't find work or a job for the last 1 year.