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Re: Homosexuality

yeriyah wolf
Sexual relations between two men is prohibited and adherents are condemned to death. Does this apply to sexual intercourse between two females?  
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Re: Homosexuality

In reply to this post by fschmidt
It violates be fruitful & multiply command i think.  Since men are natural leaders and creators of tribe & nation, having two men together reduces the chances of creating more of their tribe.

As you so alluded to genetic blessings by God, how would men acquire this blessing if they were to shack up with each other?

I know the counter argument is what about the chicks?  women are hypergamous and thus have no incentive to build society, tribe, or nation.  so two chicks shacking up subtracts some amount but its bot a devastating blow.
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Re: Homosexuality

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Re: Homosexuality

Doing a cursory read of the relevant Wikipedia article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_homosexuality (excuse me for my laziness), it seems like homosexuality gradually became more acceptable starting around the end of the 18th century, although the biggest change happened from the 1970s onward. So one could argue that the gradual increase in the acceptability of homosexuality mirrors the decline of modern culture, but I think that it actually predates the decline of modern culture (assuming, as you argued in another post, that modern culture started declining toward the end of the 19th century). Also, homosexuality was acceptable in many other cultures during their peak, such as in ancient Greece and Rome, and even in medieval Islamic cultures. Therefore, I would argue that there is no correlation between homosexuality and declining civilizations.

Also, just out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on birth control and abortion? One could argue that they are bad because they encourage premarital sex, but I think that cultural values have a greater effect on whether people have premarital sex or not. And if birth control was not available, then overpopulation would become an even greater problem.
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Re: Homosexuality

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Re: Homosexuality

Well, these factors are out of the woman's control. Men involved are still fined. What if it's the case that the woman intentionally kill the fetus?

On Friday, February 26, 2016, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have no issue with birth control or abortion.  Contrary to what many religious people say, I see nothing in the Bible against either of these things.  In fact Exodus 21:22 implies that abortion is not a crime.  In English I see "When men get in a fight and hit a pregnant woman so that her children are born prematurely but there is no injury, the one who hit her must be fined as the woman’s husband demands from him, and he must pay according to judicial assessment."  But I looked at the Hebrew and the translation is wrong.  Instead of "her children are born prematurely" the Hebrew says "her children go out" meaning it makes no difference if they go out dead or alive.  So the Bible explicitly says that abortion is not murder

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Re: Homosexuality

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Re: Homosexuality

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Re: Homosexuality

Another question that I just thought of: should there be standards of sexual morality for lesbian women who have no sexual interest in men? Should they try to remain virgins until marriage, or is it okay for them to have sex with other women as much as they want?
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Re: Homosexuality

In reply to this post by fschmidt
Pure homosexuality results in a reproductive and thus, an evolutionary and genetic dead end, no matter how much it is accepted, tolerated or even celebrated. I personally refer from condemning it, it's just an unfortunate situation (especially for the otherwise altruistic individual), at least from the above point of view. It might be an automatic balancing response from the non-linear dynamic system we call Nature as a whole, that such tendencies seem to be advertised lately, along with the masculinization of women and the feminization of men.
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Re: Homosexuality

Yeah, that's definitely a negative think about homosexuality. Although homosexual men can still reproduce if they find a surrogate, and homosexual women can still reproduce if they find a sperm donor. Do technically homosexuality isn't a reproductive dead end.
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Re: Homosexuality

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Re: Homosexuality

Although homosexuality may be associated with hedonism, promiscuity, and drug use today, I don't think this is inherently true. Back in ancient Greece and Rome, homosexuality was considered socially acceptable, and it didn't have any negative effect on society as far as I can tell. The problem is that today, a lot of homosexuals have embraced the hedonism of modern culture.
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Re: Homosexuality

They are being used for mass manipulation, as usual. Same happens with women and feminism, among other things. Most of these are really just people without a clue, regardless of their sexuality.