Is the collapse “prevented” due to advancements in AI?

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Is the collapse “prevented” due to advancements in AI?

Varg once made the comparison that the modern man is a crippled man dependent on his wheelchair ie technology.

So now, we often discussed that modern civilization cannot be sustained due to the decline in morality and intelligence

With AI, much of the thinking can be trained by AI models and data, it might come to a point that infrastructure and society can just be maintained by robotic systems. Thinking and ideas by humans will no longer be needed

Thus, no matter how depraved humans become, modern/future society will keep functioning because it no longer depends on the intelligence and morality of humans
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Re: Is the collapse “prevented” due to advancements in AI?

Automation of society will made men obsolete and it is the ultimate goal we aim for
— valarie Solanas (radical feminist)
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Re: Is the collapse “prevented” due to advancements in AI?

R.C. Christian
In reply to this post by Peter
Humanity is not homogenic though. The minority will never accept terrible culture, they will always revolt one way or another. This forum or Varg are examples of that. The East, led by China will quietly take the lead. In fact they already did. The saner part of the West will necessarily follow. The rotten modern culture will continue to grow into its own separate species, and the isolation between the two groups will deepen, which is good because eventually it will prevent compatibility.