Modern Culture

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Modern Culture

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Re: Modern Culture

Andrew Matthews
Hello Franklin,

I'm very sorry to learn of your experiences with modern Americans, of which I am.  I fully intend to continue our discussion under the "What is Biblic Judaism?" thread, but for now am curious about which particular Christian dogmas you find difficult to accept.  


Andrew Matthews
Andrew Matthews
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Re: Modern Culture

Andrew Matthews
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Well, Justin isn't exactly a Christian is he?

From the post:

Jesus Condemns Trinitarianism (Luke 18:18-19)"

A fellow rolled up to Jesus asking him a question, addressing him as Good Teacher.  Jesus shot that down right quick, stating plainly: "Why do you call me good, no one is good by God alone."  This is definitely the number one bullet in the anti-Trinitarian gun.  Jesus specifically identifies himself as separate from God.

To be Christian one must confess the deity & humanity of Jesus.

The post consists of 5 stock objections to Christianity/ Catholicism.  Answers to these questions can be found at any Christian apologetics website.  It's easy to Google the questions & find perfectly reasonable answers.

For Justin's objection to Jesus's divinity, see:

There's a pretty comprehensive list of Catholic apologetics sites found here:

People like Justin do not move the discussion forward.  What I like about your writing is that you never just offer standard objections, but constructively engage the issues.
Andrew Matthews
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Re: Modern Culture

In reply to this post by fschmidt
You should join the mormons. They are Pro marriage,Patriarchal,pro family, pro morality. They also encourage education and intellectualism .
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Re: Modern Culture

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Re: Modern Culture

Hax Templar
My theory of this relates to the idea of the social contract.

Under its original conception (Hobbes) the social contract had families forming a pyramid that went up to the King, who was a liaison to God along with (or sometimes in competition with) the high priest.

The later form of it was Locke's articulation, in which families form a community to pursue their agreed upon interests.

In modern times the social contract can "no longer be written" is how I put it.  People casually wave each other towards things like drug use and homosexuality.  The community does not attempt to protect other members of the community.  Families sometimes no longer exist at all.  It's every person for themselves.

Demographic trends suggest that this kind of society will eventually be replaced by religious fundamentalists but it'll be a long time.  In my conversations with liberal people, they don't deny the demographic trends but presume that some kind of artificial intelligence will emerge to manage everything for them before the demographic trends can wipe out liberalism.  I've pointed out that limitations in silicon and quantum computing suggest that "true AI" might be impossible, for example Moore's law is set to fail within a decade, but this doesn't dissuade them.  They live for the here and now.
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Re: Modern Culture

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Re: Modern Culture

In reply to this post by Hax Templar
Well, according to Al Bender the time traveler of the Montauk project that in 700 years humans will live in floating cities controlled by a general intelligent AI, where most services are automated. However, without the stress for survival the city dwellers are weak, lazy and useless.

according to the SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas, feminist will push for a completely automated society so that men will no longer be necessary thus good for extermination
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Re: Modern Culture

Hax Templar
I've wondered about an "algorithm age" which is to say that we don't actually need AI in order for most jobs to disappear.  To a certain degree this has already happened with so many jobs now being in the service sector.
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Re: Modern Culture

Hax Templar
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I found a version of Zimmerman's book as an ebook on Amazon.  It's abridged but still very interesting.

Ever notice how gangs in the west are basically emergent trustee families? The gangs hold each other's members communally responsible for actions and often hold property in trust for the gang as an entity.  If allowed to exist for long enough they probably would just start calling themselves families, some of them already do.
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Re: Modern Culture

In reply to this post by Moralman91
Ex Mormon here.

The LDS faith supports marriage with one hand while fully supporting divorce with its other hand.  IMHO they are a fallen church who cannot bring themselves to hold women accountable for their own actions. If a woman says she is unhappy and so was a divorce that church will create reasons for her, out of thin air, to relieve her of her burden of guilt. Typically these will be that her husband is 'secretly abusive'.  They will then pile on the poor husband telling him that he is in denial of his abuse.

The reality of this, of course, is that these women are adulterous and simply do not want to uphold their marriage covenants. Especially in the modern degenerate culture of America, where divorce is sold to women as empowering and told that using the government (and the church) to have your husband cast from his home and his children will lead to a fun filled party life.

You do not want to join the Mormons. They have been corrupted by the feminine imperative as surely as the Catholic church I joined after leaving the LDS faith.
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Re: Modern Culture

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Re: Modern Culture

What are the major differences between being a Morman vs being a Catholic?

On Sunday, November 8, 2015, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Snowden wrote
You do not want to join the Mormons. They have been corrupted by the feminine imperative as surely as the Catholic church I joined after leaving the LDS faith.
Are you still Catholic?
Luan - my programming language

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