No Tattoos

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No Tattoos

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Re: What is Biblic Judaism?

I thought the torah stated the same for tatoos as it did for cutting the skin and/or for shaving ones head.  As I have read these passages, I understood them as a prohibition not to do those acts as acts of mourning the dead vs. doing them as a lifestyle choice.... I didnt understand that the torah was specifically directly us not to do those things, but rather, not to do them to mourn the dead....

Am I missing something?
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Re: What is Biblic Judaism?

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Re: What is Biblic Judaism?

I heard in ancient times the Huns scar there faces while they mourn their dead by slicing their cheeks open, so blood and tears can flow together
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Re: What is Biblic Judaism?

Is there a particular reason why "No Tattoos" is one of the four major rules of Mikraite? It seems like a minor rule to me and one that should not be considered as important as the others.

Also, what about people that already have tattoos before joining Mikraite? Should they try to get them removed or simply not get anymore tattoos? I don't have any tattoos, but am asking hypothetically.
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Re: 6. No Tattoos

In reply to this post by fschmidt
I think tattoos, piercings and the likes are good signs of the expression of belonging to the majority. Even though a relatively recent study denies any significant correlation between general intelligence and tattoos (, we know how such quick studies can be coined up when support of certain manipulative/monetary interests dictate so.

I have theorized (and supported with some research thanks to Eysenck) that introversion is a sign of a relatively higher intelligence:

I consider tattoos to be an indication of greater social comfort, where the individual is content with putting sexual availability on a rather clear display ( Such a comfort comes naturally for the extravert, i.e. the person who feels comfortable within the majority of society, because they together occupy the center of the bell curve (they are average).