The Enlightenment Is Over

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The Enlightenment Is Over

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Re: The Enlightenment Is Over

Hax Templar
Interesting theory (and hello, by the way, nice to be here :).  I would agree with you that sluts share some characteristics with psychopaths but I would stress that most of us don't really know what a psychopath is.  We generally refer to it as people who lack the ability to feel empathy for others.  The more clinical term I think is "sociopath." It's true that sluts tend to lack empathy although they don't necessarily lack in all forms of empathy.  Having worked in the public defender's office and lived in the ghetto, I know what a real psychopath is and they can't really be generalized due to being too monstrous.

At the same time, it's true that the brain builds up resistances to many happy/friendly chemicals related to emotional responses.  This is why relationships predicated only upon emotion don't last etc.  Someone who perpetually releases these feelings would in theory become desensitized to them while a person who releases them less often feels them more strongly when they do release them.

More generally and not-physically, the modern slut often lacks a form of empathy for herself.  Often she has no intention to have children or reproduce which is obviously harmful in a way.  This is sort of the female version of the playboy male who is terrified of the thought of having kids.  The slut tends to idolize such men and seeks to emulate them although it has a worse effect on the female of course than it does upon the male.


Also, interesting argument about the enlightenment being over.  A possible weakness (in a way) I see here is that people from the left have no interest in admitting that it could be over.  They view themselves as "enlightened" and as the natural heirs of enlightenment thought.  I totally agree with you that humility and caution is a requirement and that they reject such things along with rejecting religion.  So, it probably is over (whatever it was ;) but I don't think anyone who likes enlightenment thought would be willing to admit that it's over.

IMHO, the enlightenment was probably over the second Napoleon went off the deep end and decided he was Emperor of Democratic France.  From that moment on liberalism went from being a potentially useful philosophical mechanism to being a form of totalitarianism that can't see itself in the mirror.
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Re: The Enlightenment Is Over

In reply to this post by fschmidt
I have wondered about this myself.  Sluts certainly do act psychopathic. I have no desire to debate the differences between sociopathy and psychopathy (and narcissism, as these 'disorders' are frequently discussed as stemming from the same place).

But if women have frequent oxytocin (and other pair bonding hormonal dumps) going on in their brains and the results of this are being circumnavigated what effects could this have on these women?  For almost all of our history sex leads to childbirth. Hence pair bonding is a part of sex. By engaging in frequent sex that does not lead to children or to pair bonding is it wrong to assume that these women will have some sort of evolved mechanism where they lose the ability to pair bond at all?

The only women who were getting fucked and chucked throughout our evolution are prostitutes and slaves.  I can't see any benefit for prostitutes or slaves to pair bond to their johns or masters.  So the act of sluttery certainly does appear to have severe long term consequences for the sluts.

Perhaps epigenetically their very DNA is being altered as they are "butt-hexed", to quote a manosphere poster.

And we send our daughters off to universities now that are basically nothing but indoctrination centers into leftist thinking and slut training academies.

Though a woman's world will always be very self centered due to her investment in pregnancy while a man's will be centered outward.  So perhaps some of what I would call female psychopathy is simply their natural self-centered state.