The Taliban have restored my faith in Muslims

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The Taliban have restored my faith in Muslims

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Re: The Taliban have restored my faith in Muslims

You are an American software engineer.

Your interaction with Muslisms is probably some Iranian or Pakistani H1B with an an IQ of 110 working at some tech company. This hypothetical Muslims forefather was probably a secular liberal that supported the Shah or was a zamindar of the British empire.

Some of these people are egoistic due to their high status derrived from the riches of being a colonial collaborator. They may also be more likely to be seduced by modernity, the comforts it brings, and are very malleable cogs for globalist interest.

I dont think your average American Muslim is representative of Muslims
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Re: The Taliban have restored my faith in Muslims

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Re: The Taliban have restored my faith in Muslims

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by fschmidt
If your complaint is that Muslims are not following their own rules, why not punish them by supporting Secular Koranism as a non-Muslim?

It is basically Koranic principles of governance for non-Muslim Westerners who have come to terms with the fact that Christianity is kaput and must be replaced by a moral and legal political system capable of sustaining social conservatism.
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism