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Re: Understanding

Enrique Ramos
Most certainly agree with your position. I would like to belong to your group. I want to learn more on how to apply the OT Law to my life and how can I live according to God's Law to make others interested in doing the same.
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Re: Understanding

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In reply to this post by fschmidt
Back when textbooks were used, I assume things like math made sense if you tried to make sense of it. Now everything is digitalised meaning it’s difficult to even understand why something like a formula works, teachers are useless and the internet is no help either.

I’m thinking to approach math a completely different way, I can’t bear the feeling of not understanding something like math as much as I want to.

Does anyone have any recommendations?
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Re: Understanding

In reply to this post by fschmidt
Did you have to study a lot in school?
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Re: Understanding

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Why is the modern world so utterly devoid of understanding?

Because we live in an idiocracy.

Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism