Who are our enemies?

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Who are our enemies?

The idea that all of modernity are our enemies seems too broad. Who are our enemies specifically?

George Soros?
The LGBTQ mob?
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Re: Who are our enemies?

R.C. Christian
Certain businessmen who have the power to control civilization on a large scale. It's probably like a pyramid where only the top ones own the privilege to actually issue money, give orders to and influence governments, start wars, create and spread diseases etc. The less control one has in the pyramid, the less they know as well. As for whether these people are the infamous Illuminati or something else, I have no idea. But going by just observing how human hierarchic systems work, the above seems likely.

The ones who are known by their names are probably quite low rank in the pyramid, including Musk, Soros, Hollywood producers or politicians. And even they have tremendous power.

These people have above average intelligence, but not highly gifted, they are not near genius level. They are in the zone of Cluster B personality disorders, and are probably bored as well.
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Re: Who are our enemies?

fschmidt wrote
Why is it too broad? ….individuals are never blamed for this.  Humans are tribal.  When a society goes bad, all of its members become enemies of the good.
Then can you be more specific on which tribes are our enemies? Give specific examples. Liberals? Feminists?

Menonnites and Muslims, for example, are NOT our enemies
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Re: Who are our enemies?

Okay that fine with the liberal Muslims and Mennonites. But the idea of “big tribe” modern culture are our enemies is too much of an abstract idea. Does it imply the average person is our enemy?
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Re: Who are our enemies?

R.C. Christian
Peter wrote
Does it imply the average person is our enemy?
Bingo. Not so much individually, but when manipulated into all kinds of different crowds, they are like a weapon. That's the main purpose of the internet and mobile phones.

Check out Gustave Le Bon's "The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind" if you haven't already on how crowds work.
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Re: Who are our enemies?

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Re: Who are our enemies?

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